COVID-19 Workplace Outreach Project
March 7 – 13, 2022
175+ outreach activities
37K+ workers reached
(includes booths/tabling, events, trainings, community canvassing, phone banking conversations, and door to door outreach)
22% increase in workers reached
(compared to weekly average for full campaign)
Thank you for joining California’s Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) and 61 community organizations to celebrate the Worker Week of Action! The Worker Week of Action encouraged workers to learn about and better understand their rights related to workplace health & safety, retaliation, and worker leave and pay benefits.
This effort was a part of the COVID-19 Workplace Outreach Project (CWOP), a statewide effort to educate workers and employers in higher-risk industries on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. LWDA partnered with The Center at Sierra Health Foundation to support program strategy and administer contracts with selected community organizations. These 61 organizations effectively reached seven geographic regions–Central Coast, Imperial County, Los Angeles/Inland Empire/Orange County, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco Bay Area, and San Joaquin Central Valley–with a higher concentration of high-risk industries.
#WorkerWeekofAction • #SemanaDeAcciónDelTrabajador • #Saferatwork • #TrabajaSeguro
Media snapshot
Press events
Media outlets
Media hits
CWOP Week of Action in the news
State labor officials and Central Valley community advocates discuss labor issues at UC Merced roundtable
State labor officials met with Central Valley community advocates Tuesday to discuss labor rights issues, including workplace health and safety, during a round table hosted by the UC Merced Community and Labor Center…
Read moreAdvocacy groups talk workers' rights in Fresno amid the pandemic
Dozens of community members gathered at Fresno’s Local Carpenters 701 Tuesday afternoon to discuss worker’s rights amid the ever-changing pandemic…
Read moreLanzan en California semana de acción del trabajador
La Agencia del Desarrollo del Trabajo y la Fuerza Laboral de California (California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, LWDA, en inglés) anunció la Semana de Acción del Trabajador como parte de su Proyecto de Participación Laboral de COVID-19 (COVID-19 Workplace Outreach Project, CWOP, en inglés).
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